Diversity Academy

Mission of the CRN Diversity Academy is to build an in-depth understanding of how to effectively and respectfully interact with individuals from a wide range of cultures; to maximize our opportunities to have meaningful interactions, thus providing the best care possible to our clients, while creating work environments that promote inclusivity and respect.
Resources from the latest Diversity Academy Training- Living Alone, But Not Lonely
When loneliness is too much to figure out on your own there are organizations that can help.
***Network 180
“One call to Network180 connects adults, children and families to an array of services, resources and support for those experiencing mental illness, substance use issues, or an intellectual or developmental disability”.
Network 180 Access Center is open 24/7 (616) 336-3909
Learn more at https://www.network180.org/en/
***Pine Rest Mental Health – Mental Health Urgent Care
"The center is designed to provide immediate assessment and treatment for people experiencing acute psychiatric symptoms who cannot wait for routine outpatient intervention”.
Psychiatric Urgent Care Center Same-Day Psychiatric Services (616) 455-9200
Learn more at https://www.pinerest.org/services/psychiatric-urgent-care-center/
***Spectrum Health Visiting Nurses
“Spectrum Health Visiting Nurse Association provides individuals and families with compassionate, comprehensive and personalized home health care. As a certified home care agency, we have been West Michigan’s trusted provider of home care services for more than 120 years. Our goal is to help you get well while you maintain your independence”.
Refer to Home Care (844) 702-4663
Learn more at https://www.spectrumhealth.org/patient-care/at-home-care/visiting-nurses
Connect 2 Affect
“Because the issue of social isolation is so complex, AARP Foundation spearheaded Connect2Affect to seek out solutions. Through research and innovative efforts, we’re working to create a deeper understanding of loneliness and isolation, draw crucial attention to the issue, and catalyze action to end social isolation among older adults. Our goal is to create a network of resources that meets the needs of anyone who is isolated or lonely, and that helps build the social connections older adults need to thrive”.
Learn more at https://connect2affect.org/
Friendly Voices
“Connecting People to People. We may be isolated, but we don’t have to be alone. Sometimes, just hearing a friendly voice on the other end of the line can help in challenging times. AARP Friendly Voices are trained AARP volunteers who will provide a call to say hello”.
Request a call at directly at (888) 281-0145
Learn more at https://aarpcommunityconnections.org/friendly-voices/
Unlocking Us with Brené Brown- Dr. Vivek Murthy and Brené on loneliness and
connection (55 minutes)
“Have you ever struggled with feeling lonely – even when you’re surrounded by people you
love? I have. It’s painful and confusing. In this episode, I talk to Dr. Vivek Murthy, a physician
and the 19th Surgeon General of the United States, about loneliness and the physical and
emotional toll that social disconnection takes on us. We talk about his new book, TOGETHER,
and what it takes for each of us to tilt the world toward love and connection”.
Listen here:
WorkLife with Adam Grant- We Don’t Have to Fight Loneliness Alone (40 minutes)
“Many workplaces have become increasingly lonely, even before the coronavirus pandemic
made more of us literally remote. It’s not just an unpleasant feeling—loneliness can hurt our
health and our job performance. Find out why it's time for happy hours to finally die—and how it
might take less than a minute to start building real connections”.
Listen here:
Breaking Modern Loneliness- Lauv & Dr. Vivek Murthy: Loneliness & Self-Worth (35 minutes)
“Lauv & Dr. Vivek Murthy, former U.S Surgeon General under President Obama, talk about
loneliness and deriving self-worth beyond the instant gratification of social media”.
Listen here:
Front Burner- COVID-19 Unlocks Wave of Loneliness (24 minutes)
“Loneliness posed a public health crisis for many countries years before anyone heard of
COVID-19. But how does loneliness manifest at a time -- not sure that's exactly what we're
trying to say; suggesting instead: how is loneliness exacerbated when we are forced to isolate
for weeks and months? Who is most vulnerable? And what are some of the long-term emotional
implications of this lockdown? We explore the different types of loneliness this pandemic is
unlocking with cultural historian Fay Bound Alberti”.
Listen here:
Although a podcast cannot replace relationships, they can be a tool to help us feel connected to
others during times of loneliness. Here are some suggestions and there are also plenty more free
podcasts that can be found in Google by searching podcasts for loneliness.
Griefcast: Funny People Talking About Death (1 hour)
“Griefcast is a podcast that examines the human experience of grief and death - but with
comedians, so it’s cheerier than it sounds… Each week Cariad talks to a different guest about
their experiences of grief. Together they share their views on the pain, loss and the weirdness
that happens when someone dies”.
Listen here:
Terrible, Thanks for Asking- Honest Answers to the Question How Are You? (45 minutes)
“You know how when someone asks "How are you?" you just say "Fine,” even if you’re totally
dying inside, so everyone can go about their day?“Terrible, Thanks For Asking” is the opposite
of that. Nora McInerny asks real people to share their complicated and honest feelings about
how they really are. It’s sometimes sad, sometimes funny, and often both”.
Listen here:
Untangle! Mindfulness for Curious Humans (45 minutes)
“Hosts Patricia Karpas and Ariel Garten interview authors, experts and thought-leaders in
areas related to mindfulness, brain health practices, leadership, life and so much more! You’ll
hear from psychologists, neuroscientists, nutritionists, storytellers, buddhists, MD’s, Sleep
experts etc. It’s a wide collection of interviews with thoughtful, provocative, inspirational and
sometimes funny guests who share their true and heartfelt experiences. New episodes every
Listen here:
The Lonely Hour- An Exploration of Loneliness and Solitude (30 minutes)
“The Lonely Hour is a podcast about loneliness–but it’s not a bummer. Julia Bainbridge has
created a space to talk openly in hopes of both de-stigmatizing loneliness and underscoring the
joys of solitude”.
Listen here:
Together: The Healing Power of Human Connection in a Sometimes Lonely World by: Vivek H. Murthy, MD
“Barack Obama's former Surgeon General explores the global loneliness epidemic - and how we
can overcome it”.
Complete book description and purchase information here:
Braving the Wilderness: The Quest for True Belonging and the Courage to Stand Alone by: Brené Brown
"Through timely research, Brown guides the reader on a path toward reconnecting with oneself
and others."
Complete book description and purchase information here:
The World According to Mister Rogers: Important Things to Remember by Fred Rogers
"Through a collection of Mr. Rogers’ personal stories, scripts, interviews, and insights, this
books explore the concept of unity."
Complete book description and purchase information here:
Unlonely Planet: How Healthy Congregations Can Change the World by Jillian Richardson
"Richardson provides readers with seven actionable steps toward finding a community and one’s
own people."
Complete book description and purchase information here:
All Along You Were Blooming by Morgan Harper Nichols
"Poet Morgan Harper Nichols shares a colorful collection of poetry and prose that inspires us to
embrace the cards we are dealt."
Complete book description and purchase information here:
Stop Being Lonely by Kira Asatryan
"Simple and effective techniques give us the tools to form stronger relationships and conquer
loneliness in social situations."
Complete book description and purchase information here:
During this time of “social distancing” people are more alone than ever. But just because you need to be physically apart, doesn’t mean you can’t stay connected. Here is a list of ideas of ways to stay connected while being apart
- Postcards: Take a picture of your hiking trip or backyard project and share it and a little about what you have been up to by making a postcard to send to friends and family. These can be printed at most stores that print photos.
- Phone Tree: Create a weekly schedule for calling people and having phone dates, especially those who have been completely isolated, on specific days and times so that you stay connected. A network of people calling a person is a little time out of each caller’s week but can greatly improve the life of an isolated person.
- Video Chats: There are many free video calling options available. Use them! See your friends and family virtually and have dinner, drinks, or just talk together from your home to theirs.
- Go Outside: Staying safe at home doesn’t mean not leaving your home. Go outside, walk/ride around the block and wave to the neighbors, go for a drive and check on your loved ones through the window, find a park.
Hope and belonging is all around us if we reach outside of ourselves and take the time to look.